Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sugar and Spice!

                                                              Today's Topic: Sugar and Salt

Sugar and salt. The two most basic cooking ingredients across the world -- used in almost every meal in some fashion to enhance flavor. We’ve taken them a step further by enhancing our own organic cane sugar and salt blend with captivating, natural flavors . They make it super easy to liven up one of your favorites dishes or inspire new, creative ideas. You could dash Green Tea Mint Salt over steamed or raw veggies, Citrus Salt around the rim of a margarita, roll fresh fruit in Cocoa Sugar, or add Berry Limone Sugar to a smoothie. Here at eSutras we use Himalayan Rock Salt as the base for all of our salts and Organic Cane Juice Sugar as the basis for our sugars. From there we add pure botanicals and extracts to give every salt and sugar a rich, but not overpowering flavor. 

Personally, I use Tropical Sugar on nearly everything. Such a diverse blend of equatorial flavors make this the ideal item for so many different recipes! Cold or hot dishes, sweet or tangy my mind boggles at it's many uses. In fact......

Send in a unique recipe using one of our salts or sugars this week and if your delicious recipe is picked for the eSutras blog we will offer you a FREE 1 oz. Tropical Sugar. Submit you recipes to help@esutras.com!

Lots of Love, 
Teri Ridley