Friday, April 2, 2010

We're Really Proud of ....

... our new eSutras Organics Gourmet Spices line. Just launched today, and with astounding results! We've only got three spices right now, but they're strange, enticing and delicious. Find them - as usual - at the Dill Pickle Co-op in Logan Square, Chicago (3039 W. Fullerton Ave.).

Pomegranate Peel Powder, Fenugreek Seed & Lemongrass

Wondering what you can do with said strange, yet enticing gourmet spices? Here's what we think:

Pomegranate Peel Powder: Pomegranate Peel isn't a flavoring agent, but it is jam-packed with nutrients, which is why we suggest you use it as an herbal supplement. Add just a little bit of eSutras Organics Pomegranate Peel Powder to your morning smoothie, yogurt, cereal or to soups and stews. According to studies in nutrition and food science, Pomegranate Peel offers you double the amount of vitamin C and antioxidants than is found in the pulp or juice of the fruit.

eSutras Organics Pomegranate Peel Powder, Loose

Fenugreek Seed: Fenugreek is a Middle Eastern spice, used in traditional pickling processes and curry powders and pastes. It has a delicious maple syrup-esque flavor, which is probably why it's commonly used as a lower cost substitute for syrup. We recommend adding eSutras Organics Fenugreek Seed to rice and vegetable dishes, potatoes, leafy greens, curries and stir-fries. 

eSutras Organics Fenugreek Seed, Loose

Lemongrass: Lemongrass is most commonly used fresh in curries and soups, but the dried version that we sell still has that fresh, citrus flavor perfect for seasoning veggies, rice, curries, soups and more. In African and Latin American countries, Lemongrass is often steeped to make a healing tea (we haven't tried this, but it sounds pretty darn good). Lemongrass has purportedly powerful anti-fungal and anti-cancer properties.

eSutras Organics Lemongrass, Loose

Enjoy, everybody. Don't forget you can e-mail for more details, comments, suggestions and questions. And if you're interested in any of the products we feature on this blog, shoot us an e-mail about that, too, because readers can receive 10% off any of these delicious items!

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